Cemetery & Funeral

Military officer honors National Cemetery caisson flag draped casket.
U.S. Navy photo by Chief Journalist Dave Fliesen (RELEASED)

National Cemetery compliant memorial flags, coffin drapes, cotton memorial graveside stick flags, and memorial military and civil flag cases.

National Cemeteries require cotton flags. Flags are placed at gravesites or along the main entrance, referred to as an “avenue of flags

The National Cemetery Administration does allow graves to be adorned with flags the weekend before Memorial Day and the flags can be removed shortly after the holiday. With this allowance, flags may not be illuminated at night, which is a deviation from the flag code, but it is an authorized deviation, according to the cemetery administration.
Flags placed at graves should be erected in a uniform matter, centered one foot in front of the headstone or grave marker.
Memorial Day is the most important patriotic holiday of the year in a national cemetery. In accordance with 4 USC 6(d), the flag of the United States will be flown at half staff until 12:00 noon and at full staff after 12:00 noon on Memorial Day.

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  • United States Flag Memorial Drape 5’x9.5′

    $193.81 Buy product

    Honor a fallen hero with the United States Flag Memorial Drape. Traditionally, this flag is designed to lay over the casket during the wake or funeral service. The 5′ x 9½’ drape is folded by the color guard or pallbearers during the funeral service. The drape is to be presented to a family member at the end of the funeral service or interment. The drape is a true flag and has grommets. A tradition is that the casket flag is flown at the fallen member’s unit HQ or base, in some cases over the White House, for a moment before being used on the casket and being presented to the next of kin.

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